Tim has earned a reputation as being a highly skilled legal adviser to the land development industry. He has over 38 years of experience at Glaister Ennor advising land developers of all ilks – whether it is with a small lot subdivision, a multi-lot subdivision or a multi-unit apartment development.
Tim developed an intimate understanding of land development following the passing of the Resource Management Act 1991. He also has a keen understanding and knowledge of unit titles and was involved in the mid-1970’s with developers who were the fore-runners of the land development industry, using the 1972 Unit Titles Act for multi-unit developments. Later in his career Tim acted for many individuals and land developers selling unit title properties. In 2003 he was co-author of a paper commissioned by the then Auckland Regional Council. This discussion paper, Unit Titles Act 1972: A Case for Review which along with the initiative from the ARC was a catalyst for the review of the Unit Titles Act 1972 which culminated in the passing of the Unit Titles Act 2010.
During the 2000’s and subsequently Tim has been heavily involved in providing advice to all parts of the unit title industry – assisting body corporates, unit title property owners and body corporate managers.
His in depth understanding of property law, property contract law and land law has led him to his practice of providing expert opinions, expert evidence and determinations in all facets of property and land law matters.
Tim has always been heavily involved in Law Society affairs. He is currently the Auckland Vice President on the New Zealand Law Society Board.
As a barrister, Tim will be available to provide advice on several areas of property, land law and unit title work such as:-
- Property transactions
- Land development
- Unit titles
- Land Law
- Expert opinions, expert evidence and interim determinations for the above.